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Nevada Security Consulting

Nevada Security Consultants was formed to supplement the NSGTA Security Guard Training program. Our consultants come from law enforcement backgrounds, corporate security positions and have taught in colleges and universities relative to security implementation, training, and policies.

We offer a vary of programs to assist clients and corporations with their security needs. Review existing plans or develop threat assessment plans, evacuation procedures, active shooter training, make recommendations to improve or enhance the physical security of the facility or business location.

Our consulting team specializes in, school security. The safety of our children should be the first concern that everyone should focus on. We offer Active Shooter training and awareness for teachers, administrators, and students. Also, a security review of the facility and create or review evacuation plans in the event of a crisis.

In today’s environment, planning and preparedness is paramount. If a situation should occur at a school, everyone will know how to respond and follow a develop plan. Part of the planning is training the staff and students on how to react to a situation. Training is so important for all to remain safe.

Other Security Consultants list programs they offer. We can do the same and better without listing all our programs that are available.

If you are interested in discussing your needs and requirements, please contact, Ted Farace, mobile (702) 610-8000 for more information.